Air conditioning symbols
If you’re wondering about air conditioning symbols meaning, the good news is that many air conditioning symbols are universal.
That gives you the confidence that once you understand air conditioning symbols meanings, you will find similar air conditioning symbols across varied brands and styles.

What are the main air conditioning symbols and their corresponding meaning?
Every air conditioning system will have an on/off function. The symbol is a circle with a vertical stroke through it.
Have you ever wondered about the air conditioning symbols meaning of a snowflake? This is your cooling function.
For air conditioning systems that are reverse cycle, the air conditioning symbols of the sun (often a circle with lines radiating from it like the sun’s rays) signifies the heating function.
In areas where humidity is an issue, dry mode is used to extract humidity from the air. The symbol for dry mode is a droplet of water.
Air conditioning units can also be used as a fan only, moving air at the ambient temperature, this is ventilation mode and can be an energy-efficient option. The air conditioning symbols for ventilation mode is a fan.
Many air conditioning units feature a timer option. This is depicted with the clock symbol.
The most important consideration for the comfort and efficiency of your air conditioning unit is temperature control. Setpoint22, or 22°celcius is the perfect setting for your unit. The temperature control function has an up arrow and a down arrow as symbols to modify the temperature.
You can vary the speed of the fan to control how quickly a desired temperature is reached. Fan speed often has the air conditioning symbols of lines or fan blades to indicate faster and slower fan speeds.
The louvres on the air conditioning unit can be directed vertically and horizontally to affect air flow. The air conditioning symbols for swing are often curved lines with arrows indicating direction of air flow.
Other Functions
The remaining three functions are mode and auto. These air conditioning functions allow you to cycle through the functions available or automate power, respectively. These functions often use the word rather than a symbol.